Ebola Virus Info

Ebola Virus Info | WHO in a press statement stating Ebola Virus (EVD) can be categorized as Ebola hemorrhagic fever, and it should be taken seriously because it can invite death.

Ebola virus

EVD but this leads to a figure of up to 90 percent.

Through the portal, WHO spokesman Paul Garwood said EVD often occur in remote villages in central and west Africa close to tropical rain forests.

"The virus is transmitted from wild animals and spread to humans through close contact between individuals."

He added that wild animals such as fruit bats of the Pteropodidae species of Ebola virus are the main carriers.

"For those who are infected EVD, they require intensive care and support and incentives to continue as so far we at WHO no specific treatment or vaccine for EVD," he said.

Origin of Ebola outbreak

EVD was first detected and recorded occurred in the Democratic Republic of Congo Yambuku that the region formerly known as Zaire, Nzara and Sudan in 1976.

The next killer pandemic spread and is detected in a small village near the Ebola River in Yambuku.

Hence, the name of the Ebola disease got its name from the river.

Ebola virus is easily spread

EVD infection spreads very easily, simply by contact with blood, fluids (saliva), or any other organ of the fluid between the animal and human populations infected EVD.

This is supported by the report of the WHO, said that in Africa, infections appear to occur when people hold and touch the carcasses of infected animals EVD.

You should be more sensitive; WHO reports that animals bring EVD which is, chimpanzees, gorillas, fruit bats, monkeys, antelope and porcupines.

In fact, through direct contact communication in terms of speech and physically able to invite EVD virus continues to spread.

Furthermore it is easily transmitted through organs such as the skin injured by blood or fluid membranes, liquid, or other organ infected EVD.

In addition to objects as things EVD can also become infected with the virus spreads drivers if people touch the object.

Sperm Men The EVD Medium Spread

Men recovering from treatment, able to move through their semen EVD within seven weeks after recovery.

Doctors, nurses or any other health workers who treat patients at risk of infection EVD EVD also when they do not control precautions.

This was evident when in Nigeria reported upon receiving the second case where the Ebola patients a doctor.

Symptoms of Ebola Infection 

Sudden fever, weakness, muscle pain, headache and sore throat among the signs that you are infected EVD is a severe viral disease carriers.

Thereafter, the patient may experience vomiting, diarrhea, rashes, redness and kidney failure and liver function.

The WHO report states, in some cases, the signs of EVD was bleeding internally and externally, while the laboratory and found that white blood cell and platelet count decreased liver enzymes in the body of patients will increase.

If the blood in the body of a man who infected EVD flow were still patients EVD, so any virus will only be removed from semen infected after 61 days.

In most of the WHO report EVD symptoms will arise after the period of between two and 21 days after they are infected with Ebola virus.

Early diagnosis by the doctor 

The early symptoms are similar to the EVD is dengue, malaria, typhoid fever, Shigellosis, cholera, leptospirosis, plague rat, chicken rickettsiosis, recurrent fever, meningitis, hepatitis and other viral haemorrhagic fevers.

So far laboratory tests to diagnose Ebola virus with several screening tests including antibody capture enzyme-immuno assay related absorption.

In addition, antigen detection test and the test is able to detect serum pengneutralan EVD.

Even transcriptase polymerase chain reaction reverse (RT-PCR), and virus isolation mikrosokop electron structure of cells is a strategy by physicians to detect the EVD.

The cure Ebola vaccine 

Physicians around the world are still stuck in finding a cure for the disease specific EVD.

However, so far there is still no vaccine for EVD although health workers several times to test the vaccine on the EVD, but none of them match.

Although there is no specific medical, infected patients should receive intensive supportive care.

This is because they often become dehydrated (lack of water in the body) and require oral rehydration (drinking lots of water) through elktrolit or called intravenous fluids.

WHO: Ebola Virus Prevention and Control 

Paul advised the public that those responsible must control RESTV in domestic animals.

"Routine cleaning and disinfection should be done on the farm, such as a pig or monkey cage with sodium hypochlorite or other detergents."

If an outbreak is suspected to have spread, place or premises is necessary dikuaratin infected with strict supervision when planting or burn the carcasses.

In addition, the restriction of the movement of animals must be undertaken to prevent them from continuing to bring EVD to other animals that are in different fields.

Turning to humans, people are advised not to hold or feed wild animals infected with the virus.

Eating exotic meats such as pork, monkeys, bats or monkeys in the population, can aggravate the situation.

This is evidenced by the daily diet that occurred in Guinea when fruit bats into the main menu.

The public is urged to wear hand protection ie gloves (glove), available at health centers.