CAUTION! Hazard Use 'Headphone' And 'Earphone'

CAUTION! Hazard Use 'Headphone' And 'Earphone'

Not strange when seen young people use 'earphone' to listen to music while waiting for a friend, sitting alone with a drink or read the most chronic and obligation to make sleep a night. That is the obsession many young people today.

In fact, some are wearing headphones for more stylish look especially some well-known brands from the west has been introduced as a new modern lifestyle of adolescents around the world. So where might we teens want to miss.

There is also a charge 'earphone' when driving to avoid negligence talking on the phone while driving. Then 'earphones' are not removed even after I hung up.

All these actions have an impact, and dangerous, but rarely do we realize. According to the study, the use of both these tools can lead to long-lasting negative effects. What is the reason?

Increase the rate of bacteria in the ear. Believe it or not, clean the air around you not be able to enter the ear. This is because the application of the device causes the air space becomes compact and small ears. Bacteria found in the ear will also increase the amount if you continue to wear it without stopping.

According to research, your ears can not accommodate a variety of bacteria and the application of two young favorite tools on an ongoing basis will cause pain in the ear in the future.

Listen to music out loud at the 'earphone' can damage the ear and reduce the strength of hearing

When you wear this, it is located near the sensitive inner ear. You will lose the ability to listen effectively if the music with 'volume' to be heard continuously strong.

However, such is the reality most young when using this tool, which they prefer to put a 'volume' seems to be listening to loud concerts or watch the actual event. The study says that hearing loss is higher among the 'earphone' over speakers in the house.

Wearing these two devices when driving or traveling is not recommended. Of course, the application of this tool is said to be a trend, but there are also situations in which these tools can not be used because of the danger that lies ahead. For example, use this tool while driving is highly prohibited. You do not hear the sound of vehicles behind or in front of you, and this can cause unwanted accidents happen.

Many news reports and the records say the causes of accidents among young people is that they are using headphones while driving to unconscious signals given by other cars.

Negative effects on health. While listening to music in the ears seem more calm and relaxed, it also causes dizziness in some people. Not enough with that, sharing tools can also lead to ear infections.

Should clean the 'headphones' and 'earphone' with sanitizer before or after share with friends.


Children deficient in vitamin D, Low IQ

Children deficient in vitamin D, Low IQ

Aggressive bone growth occurs at a critical time when the growth of the baby until the age of adolescence. It was then that it requires adequate vitamin D that occur in a normal process.

Adequate intake of vitamin D can also prevent stunted growth that not only can affect a person's appearance, but also impact the level of intelligence (IQ) of children.

The study found that when a child is not getting enough vitamin D, bone growth will be stunted. Situation not only causes the child physically shorter, but they have a much lower IQ than their peers who get enough vitamin D nutrients in their daily diet.

Unfortunately, based on the South-East Asia Nutrition Survey (SEANUTS), even in developing countries, there are still many children in Malaysia suffer from a lack of vitamin D.

This is due to various factors including improper diet, lack of outdoor activities and exposure to the sun will help to process vitamin D when ultraviolet light (UV) in contact with the skin in a sufficient period each day.

SEANUTS is a comprehensive study of nutrition involves a total of 3,542 children aged between six months and 12 years of urban and rural areas throughout the country.

It was conducted in collaboration between FrieslandCampina with four international research centers and universities, four-year study involving 16,744 children in four Southeast Asian countries namely Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand.

Nutrient intake of children was tested through a blood test, body fat count, bone density scan, diet, interviews with parents and take into account the physical activity you do in a day.

Head of Nutrition Science Program Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Professor Dr Poh Bee Koon said the first study of its kind ever undertaken in this country.

In addition to vitamin D, the study also covers children's health as a whole, including children's health include nutritional intake in the diet and their weight.

Through the survey, 20 percent of children are suffering from extreme obesity in this country, while nearly 50 percent of children do not get enough vitamin D.

"In addition to diet, the most important thing children need to get enough exposure to sunlight without any protection from UV protective cream that vitamin D can be produced to help strengthen bones and healthy growth.

"Many people take for granted because they remember is a hot country like Malaysia, they will be able to vitamin D, but they are mistaken. Most of the time they get instead of UV light and heat due to often protect themselves from the sun.

"It was strange because we are in a country that receives sunlight throughout the year, but children are still suffering from a lack of vitamin D.

"This happened because of the perception of Asians that white skin is a symbol of charming appearance. We always block the sunlight hits the skin when the body needs sunlight to be converted to vitamin D, "he said at the presentation of the results of the study in the event organized by Dutch Lady Malaysia managing director, also attended by Rahul Colaco.

Dr Poh, parents should allow their children to play outside so they are exposed to sunlight. If it is not possible stunted growth caused their child has a height and a low IQ.

What's important, he says, children need to grow consistently and they should be referred to a pediatric doctor from time to time, even in a healthy condition to ensure healthy growth.

"Parents also need to stop asking children to sit quietly encouraging physical activity and play outside because it is important for the growth of healthy physical and IQ.

"There are not many foods that contain vitamin D naturally including fatty fish, and internal organs. Only one of the best food sources of vitamin D to the body channel is milk, no matter what type of milk either full-fat or flour, "he said.

According to him, the study found that children who are active and fit have better IQ while children with nutrition have lower IQ three times while children are overweight have a lower IQ twice.

Active an hour a day

Consultant pediatrician Dr Yong Junina Fadzil said the children, taking a balanced diet can determine whether they have enough nutrients and vitamin D from their diet.

However, he said, the study found that there are two categories of children identified unhealthy eating, affecting nutrient or vitamin D that is underweight or overweight.

"Outdoor activities also helps give bones healthy and balanced diet helps vitamin D is processed in the body. Economic conditions make more and more children are becoming obese because of eating a lot and never leaving the house for leisure or play activities.

"The attitude of parents who are too concerned with their child's safety also cause stuck at home and just play video games or watch television.

"The situation is affecting the health of children. Children who are overweight tend to grow as individuals who are obese and this can affect their potential, "he said.

He said children in Malaysia is not only a lack of vitamin D due to lack of exposure to the sun does not come out to play for, it can also be because of the haze that forced them to sit in the building.

According to the theory, one should be exposed to sunlight for at least 20 minutes a day to get enough vitamin D, but it really depends on a person's skin color is darker they need a longer exposure time.

"Children need to grow at a normal rate and according to body weight at birth. If weight gain too fast, it is also not good for them. What is important is they should be active, weight gain, high-rise and healthy.

"Sometimes the parents should be advised not to be too worried about their children because some of them come to the doctor and say their child does not want to eat anything while their child may not want to eat rice, but take bread. It should not have any problems because both are carbohydrates, "he said.

Dr Yong said, children are urged active outside the home at least an hour a day to ensure healthy growth. This is to ensure that the body gets enough vitamin D and ideal body weight.

If the body does not get enough vitamin D, calcium is absorbed so the body will absorb the calcium in the bones. Long-term effects are rickets in children and osteoporosis during old age, especially among women.

"Children are the future of the country. Helps normal growth means we help them their IQ and brighter future for them, "he said.

Meanwhile, physical trainers and sports from the Ministry of Education, Dr Mehander Sing said parents believe the myth that children are always active and do not need to leave home and join recreational activity when it otherwise.

Children is very different from the modern day children bygone era even more moves, including walking to school or playing games village rugged so it does not need to join any sports club.

"Currently, the only outdoor activities they provided the school. Parents need to support physical activity because it can improve teaching in the classroom.

"Children play their own pace and not be forced to follow the activities on an ongoing basis. Let them play outside until satisfied. Let them active and running here and there as it is in their instinct.

"If the parents are always told the children to sit still, they will gradually become passive. They should be allowed to play anything as long as they are active and healthy, "he said.

He said studies have shown that passive child will grow up to be adults who passively turn inhibit their potential to emerge as a successful individual.

At the same time, it should be noted the critical age to ensure healthy development of physical and mental health is one of the four years to late adolescence.


Mystery Dermatografia

Mystery Illness Hidap suffering Dermatografia

Angry hearts Sarah Beal, 43, thought the mystery illness that is so dihidapnya entire skin itching.

Anything done well is wrong. Not only prolonged irritation, but also leave unsightly lines on the skin effect when scratched.

"At first I thought this was due to the increasing age the skin becomes sensitive. Yet, over time I felt something was wrong.

"Once I tried to puncture the skin at the back of the body. It is not only leaving a rather large scratches, but also red and very sore," said bakery operators to the Daily Mail in Britain.

sketch skin

Suffering mother of five children is prolonged when the needle pierced his skin felt like if exposed to any type of fabric.

Mystery that haunts women from Warkishwire, a small district in England, however, unraveled about three years ago after she found an article that tells about Dermatografia disease.

Dermatografia or sketches disease is a disease of skin itching caused by sensitive skin.

According to an expert from the British Association of Dermatologists, Matthew Gass, the condition occurs when the cells below the skin's surface that release histamine, a chemical that is released in the body in response to allergies, remove it in small amounts.

"As a result, the skin will leave the effects of swelling, especially when scratched. However, these effects will disappear automatically within about an hour later.

"Itching is also said to be frequently occurs when the skin friction of an object, such as rubbing or stroking the skin. Effect of the reaction, the skin will leave rough lines of red," he said.

He said, if the situation occurs, the individual can take medication to prevent the effects of histamine Anthihistamin and indirectly reducing itchiness and rashes.

According to Sarah again, after knowing the situation, he acted with the skin test in hand drawing a heart shape using a spoon.

"Soon, the object formed heart in my hands and it makes me excited.

"Even if the skin starts itching and pain, but I think the unique thing has happened to me," he added.


Because too excited, Sarah upload the sketch into his Facebook account and getting the praise among friends and relatives.

"This disease makes me allergic to jewelry such as necklaces and bracelets.

"More worrying because I have to defend two dogs. Scratches dog I worry because my skin gets worse," he said.

In the meantime, Skin Specialist Clinic Ko in Klang, Selangor, Dr. Ko Chung Beng said, the situation is a normal thing that happens to individuals regardless of age.

"This disease has nothing to do with ethnicity or allergy to any type of food because the condition is caused by a lack of histamine release in the skin cells.

"However, individuals do not need too rungsing as the effect is not lasting and will disappear in a short period," he said.

Add Chung Beng, Anthihistamin and Steroin are two types of drugs that can restore individual from the disease.

"Currently there is no surgery that can cure the disease completely. Patients still need to rely on one of these drugs if you have itching or extreme pain," he told the Journal recently.


Beautiful Girl Addicted Squeeze Acne!

Beautiful Girl Addicted Squeeze Acne!

Every morning, Samantha Wake, 20, will spend six hours to watch some scars on his face. Abstinence is a piece of stain, he would squeeze or mengopeknya until bloody.

Lass Telford, Shropshire, England will only stop when he feels satisfied. As a result of these strange, almost 100 percent of his face filled with black scars.

Obviously Samantha, she began to do her face hooked at age 14 after seeing a few small pimples on the face.

"At that time, I was squeezing in the presence of acne just as well antijerawat drug sweep.

"However, at the age of 16, I was so addicted to flicking face although no acne. Finally, at the age of 18, I had to see a doctor for treatment," he said.

obsessive compulsive 

However, doctors said, doing normal things, and there's nothing to worry about.

Samantha is aware of her illness dermatilamonia after his mother brought him to see another specialist.

Dermatilomania disease cause someone addicted to peeling dead skin to bleed, easy bruising and infected.

Some patients have a high desire for peeling scars on the feet or hands, but Samantha makes faces as targets.

"Looking at the face full of blood, I feel like I am involved in a road accident.

"Not only that, many people are asking why my skin is as bad as this," he said.

Samantha said, most of his friends do not know the strange habits.

"I like can not stop because I would feel awkward if not face even a day studying," he said.

Diseases characterized as obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) that commonly occur to women aged between 15 and 30 years.

Add Samantha, she would 'tempted' when he saw her face in the mirror.

"I feel very relieved after peeling the scab can have.

"But after I leave the skin with a very ugly scar, I get scared, you become depressed and give up," he said.

However, emotions are not able to stop the habit of Samantha.

"My body felt like I was in the clouds headedness. If I detect even the smallest spots on the skin, I'll squeeze or mengopeknya until the skin feels numb," he said.

Unfortunately the habit of leaving scars coins.

"I knew my face was badly damaged and full of scars and small holes.

"This is probably due to my daily routine that will see the face of the mirror and watch until I forget the situation around," he said.

He said, the habit also caused him to miss lectures regularly.

"If I go to a movie with your boyfriend, I would leave him alone and go to the bathroom to look on the face.


"Despite feeling satisfied after squeezing pimples, but I still feel embarrassed when people look at my face with a strange reaction," he said.

To that end, Samantha would wear make-up before leaving home to avoid mischievous eyes out there.

"If you go to dinner, of course I want my skin look clean and beautiful.

"However, when he realized things were not happening, I feel very depressed and started flicking more scars," he said.

Samantha said, although he has visited many clinics, but doctors failed to treat his illness.

"My mother used to take me to see a specialist counseling and taught how to control yourself from repeating the same.

"I find, is the main enemy of the mirror so I thought it would be nice if the mirror does not exist in this world," he said.

To address the problem, Samantha is a pill to prevent infection of skin surface.

Says the girl who aspires to work in the zoo, he wants people to suffer the same disease that does not seem to feel inferior.

"I want people to know that this disease is real and not due to emotional problems alone.

"I believe that the cure of this disease will be found one day, so will have to be referred to a specialist," he said.


Why More Tired If sleep after Fajr?

Why More Tired If sleep after Fajr?

Do you belong among those who will go back to sleep after a meal and morning prayer?


If so, we are sure you will agree if we say you will be more tired after waking from sleep.

Sleeping after dawn will actually interfere in the biological cycle of increasing fatigue of a body.

It caused disruption to the production of the hormone cortisol, a hormone that serves as the fitness of a person.

In fact, when someone wake up every morning at five o'clock in the morning to dawn, this routine will stimulate production of the hormone cortisol at three or four in the morning and will peak at about 11 am.

However, if the routine is changed suddenly, with back to sleep after Fajr, the production of these hormones will be interrupted and we exhausted all day long fast.

Hence, it is better if you do not sleep after Fajr, but do other activities to fill the time before to work.

However, if you really need to sleep, it is recommended that you spend 30 minutes before Zuhr to sleep.

God willing, after ablution and pray Zuhr, you will feel more refreshed to continue fasting.


Intimate Relationships Healthy Body

Intimate Relationships Healthy Body

Many studies prove sexual contribute to human health. In fact, you should not be ashamed to ask for sexual activity done more often. This is because a healthy sex with a partner capable of providing its own benefits.


Here are the benefits that you will receive after engaging in sexual activities with your partner.

Pressure. Sex is proven through research can help mental health. According to a professor of psychology at the University of Virginia, Dr. James Coan, "The intimate relationship, you will release hormones that will trigger a happy feeling like Oxytocin and endorphins". These hormones that help individuals get rid of stress.

Insomnia. After intercourse, the body will release the hormone Oxytocin which is also referred to as 'Hormones Hugs'. Moreover, the feeling more comfortable, Oxytocin also helps you quickly drowsiness and sleep more soundly. The effect of this hormone bigger women because women have higher hormone Oxytocin.

Abdominal cramps. Intimate relationship can also reduce discomfort in the stomach like heartburn, pain or cramps. This is because an orgasm will make the uterine muscle contraction and release of hormones in the brain that acts as a natural pain reliever.

Lose weight. Routine sex can also help your body every day freshness. You'll also be able to burn up to 700 calories in a week if the intimate relationship every day.

Healthy heart. Burning calories while doing an intimate relationship will also improve your heart health. Sex can prevent strokes and heart attacks.

Prevent prostate cancer. Ejaculation during sexual intercourse to reduce the risk to man from getting prostate cancer. In an Australian study, men who suffer from premature ejaculation 21 times in a month can reduce the risk of prostate cancer.


Apple Really Improve Female Sexual?

Can Apple Really Improve Female Sexual?

During this apple is regarded as a fruit can add freshness and impact on health.

women's sexual

In fact, eating an apple every day routine can keep a person from the disease.

However, it appears Apple is not only good for overall body health, but also increase women's sexual performance.

The research found no association between consumption of apples to increase women's sexual function.

The study was conducted on 731 women aged 18 to 43 years. They were to eat an apple every day and are divided into two groups.

The results showed that regular consumption of apple have to do with sexual satisfaction and sexual activity is high.

Researchers think it's because florizin substances that are in apples.


Ebola Virus Info

Ebola Virus Info | WHO in a press statement stating Ebola Virus (EVD) can be categorized as Ebola hemorrhagic fever, and it should be taken seriously because it can invite death.

Ebola virus

EVD but this leads to a figure of up to 90 percent.

Through the portal, WHO spokesman Paul Garwood said EVD often occur in remote villages in central and west Africa close to tropical rain forests.

"The virus is transmitted from wild animals and spread to humans through close contact between individuals."

He added that wild animals such as fruit bats of the Pteropodidae species of Ebola virus are the main carriers.

"For those who are infected EVD, they require intensive care and support and incentives to continue as so far we at WHO no specific treatment or vaccine for EVD," he said.

Origin of Ebola outbreak

EVD was first detected and recorded occurred in the Democratic Republic of Congo Yambuku that the region formerly known as Zaire, Nzara and Sudan in 1976.

The next killer pandemic spread and is detected in a small village near the Ebola River in Yambuku.

Hence, the name of the Ebola disease got its name from the river.

Ebola virus is easily spread

EVD infection spreads very easily, simply by contact with blood, fluids (saliva), or any other organ of the fluid between the animal and human populations infected EVD.

This is supported by the report of the WHO, said that in Africa, infections appear to occur when people hold and touch the carcasses of infected animals EVD.

You should be more sensitive; WHO reports that animals bring EVD which is, chimpanzees, gorillas, fruit bats, monkeys, antelope and porcupines.

In fact, through direct contact communication in terms of speech and physically able to invite EVD virus continues to spread.

Furthermore it is easily transmitted through organs such as the skin injured by blood or fluid membranes, liquid, or other organ infected EVD.

In addition to objects as things EVD can also become infected with the virus spreads drivers if people touch the object.

Sperm Men The EVD Medium Spread

Men recovering from treatment, able to move through their semen EVD within seven weeks after recovery.

Doctors, nurses or any other health workers who treat patients at risk of infection EVD EVD also when they do not control precautions.

This was evident when in Nigeria reported upon receiving the second case where the Ebola patients a doctor.

Symptoms of Ebola Infection 

Sudden fever, weakness, muscle pain, headache and sore throat among the signs that you are infected EVD is a severe viral disease carriers.

Thereafter, the patient may experience vomiting, diarrhea, rashes, redness and kidney failure and liver function.

The WHO report states, in some cases, the signs of EVD was bleeding internally and externally, while the laboratory and found that white blood cell and platelet count decreased liver enzymes in the body of patients will increase.

If the blood in the body of a man who infected EVD flow were still patients EVD, so any virus will only be removed from semen infected after 61 days.

In most of the WHO report EVD symptoms will arise after the period of between two and 21 days after they are infected with Ebola virus.

Early diagnosis by the doctor 

The early symptoms are similar to the EVD is dengue, malaria, typhoid fever, Shigellosis, cholera, leptospirosis, plague rat, chicken rickettsiosis, recurrent fever, meningitis, hepatitis and other viral haemorrhagic fevers.

So far laboratory tests to diagnose Ebola virus with several screening tests including antibody capture enzyme-immuno assay related absorption.

In addition, antigen detection test and the test is able to detect serum pengneutralan EVD.

Even transcriptase polymerase chain reaction reverse (RT-PCR), and virus isolation mikrosokop electron structure of cells is a strategy by physicians to detect the EVD.

The cure Ebola vaccine 

Physicians around the world are still stuck in finding a cure for the disease specific EVD.

However, so far there is still no vaccine for EVD although health workers several times to test the vaccine on the EVD, but none of them match.

Although there is no specific medical, infected patients should receive intensive supportive care.

This is because they often become dehydrated (lack of water in the body) and require oral rehydration (drinking lots of water) through elktrolit or called intravenous fluids.

WHO: Ebola Virus Prevention and Control 

Paul advised the public that those responsible must control RESTV in domestic animals.

"Routine cleaning and disinfection should be done on the farm, such as a pig or monkey cage with sodium hypochlorite or other detergents."

If an outbreak is suspected to have spread, place or premises is necessary dikuaratin infected with strict supervision when planting or burn the carcasses.

In addition, the restriction of the movement of animals must be undertaken to prevent them from continuing to bring EVD to other animals that are in different fields.

Turning to humans, people are advised not to hold or feed wild animals infected with the virus.

Eating exotic meats such as pork, monkeys, bats or monkeys in the population, can aggravate the situation.

This is evidenced by the daily diet that occurred in Guinea when fruit bats into the main menu.

The public is urged to wear hand protection ie gloves (glove), available at health centers.


Educating Children Stubborn And Endurance

User Educating Children Stubborn And Endurance

Create reflection together, parents, prospective parents, will be called husband and wife, parents of minor hand and mouth. Think, reflect, our children are a reflection of ourselves ..

Stubborn child

Children ages 2-7 years (Preschool is often labeled extreme for wanting to try whatever they see and also found 'not listening'.

What happens is that the absence of two-way communication between parents and children. In addition children actually can not hear directions well because not paying attention to the voice of parents.

Instead, their attention is focused on their game and who want to explore the environment. Children have very limited verbal communication because they do not have knowledge of it.

They also just learning to talk, so parents often can not understand what the child wants. Therefore, let the child scream, throw things, and so ruin the game because of frustration because his needs are not understood and met.

Even children know exactly disappointed his / madam. Therefore, who is guilty? Of course, because adults do not seek to understand the needs of the child.

There are several tips that can be given to the master / her effort to overcome this problem.

1 Children desperately need love and affection and attention from both parents. If the father is rarely engage children, of course, would distract his mother. So try to understand the language of children with gentle ask him. Leave a little of what you / she do and give attention to the child. Look in her face and her eyes stared. How many times a day we eye contact with the child. Eye contact is very important in any kind of communication even with small children.

2 Once the master / her home from work and take the child from the nursery, spend half an hour in advance with your child. Never went to the kitchen to cook, lift the cloth etc. First Listen sir / madam to children. Ask a gentle and friendly that it makes a day at home with the maid or the nursery / kindergarten. Support and hug him and give ear, papa / mama very loved her. Play with more than half an hour, then ask yourself gentlemen for the kitchen, etc.. Insha Allah the child will be heard because of the attention he had hoped was obtained.

3 Teach children the words "can wait", if the child needs something and you / she can not give it because was busy cooking, etc.. And treat them as soon as he had the opportunity. Do not do not know anywhere or indifferent because actually sir / madam are teaching children to ignore the master / madam if you are / she is called. The right way to make her listen to you is by listening to her first. We can not expect our children obey every command because God does not make it happen so. Remember, children learn by imitating each of our actions. The proof can be seen when he served his brother as well.

4 Try to understand the personality of the child. Each child is endowed by God with a personality of its own. Children who love to scream despite not having any reason can be categorized as Sanguine Personality. This child is very like the attention. Therefore, if the child is screaming, give attention to him as looked at him, if he clapped loudly singing etc.. However, sir / madam can teach him that act like screaming is not good because it can interfere with sleeping little sister. If your child likes to scream, sir / madam can have him facing a blank wall and screaming in there repeatedly until he tired. God willing, he will not like to scream and found the activity tiring. Maybe he will stop screaming or making behavior a few days. If he repeats it again, madam asked her to do the same thing until he eventually stopped. Give her a gift (candy, etc.) if you / she found she did not yell or scream less in one day as a positive reinforcement. Tell him, papa / mama give chocolate gifts for sister did not scream today. This child will understand that papa / mama do not like the act.

5 Always remind yourself sir / madam with the positive nature of the child. Lithe and neglected children entertained. Pay attention to your / her on the edge, do not remember the lack of child and pray every prayer that God will enable you / she changed the nature of the negative. Imagine a child with all the positive properties of the host / her home every time you / she interacts with the children. Can also master / her to do so and a half hours after the child was in bed and sleep soundly. Gently pat him on the crown of his head, kissed and recite prayers and say hope you / she to him. Eg 'papa / mama dear sister, papa / mama do not want my sister scream. Mention specific things that you / she wants. Do not just say 'papa / mama sister please change' or mention the negative tone as' mpapa / ama dislikes sister screaming. This technique is called imagery or visualization and found to be very effective if done repeatedly. Dear Sir / Madam can also recite Surah AlFatihah, Ayat Kursi and 3 Kul to children every time they went to bed to keep from Satan.

Dear Sir / Madam, educating children is not easy, let alone in the challenging era of globalization. Good sir / madam more patient, do not set aside the child and try to understand it.

Understand the world of children who have no problems, full of fun and exploration. Imagine the feelings of children when scolded when trying to effect what is to explore the environment.

Children living in a world without rules. Ibubapalah who make the rules, discipline and encouragement to the child.

Buy books on child-rearing guide, knew his personality and ways of coping.

I suggest sir / madam tried to get the book entitled "Personality Plus for Parents" by Florence Littauer available at Kinokuniya, MPH, etc..

Indeed investments parents do for their children will be children as the largest asset most valuable in life.

Thank you, may Allah bestow mercy and wisdom to master / madam. Do not give up the child because it will make the children give up on us as parents. Wallahua'lam


Desolation Method Educate Children?

Desolation Method Educate Children? 

In a breakfast cereal ad, to describe how delicious cereal is described a child who makes a trick on her by asking her to look back - as if there is something interesting on the back of her mother's - just so he can add it to cereal in a bowl. Although the main purpose of this ad is not to educate the children, however, have shown why children who make a trick to add breakfast? Why is not shown only how the child asks politely additional cereal?

The ad was a cough, is shown how a group of children trying to steal the fruit. So, running an old fled - your trees - closer to the child to be angry with them. Running the old man made ​​him coughing non-stop. Then, the child is going to get the tree you just now, which then gives the signal to take the cough medicine at home. Apparently, you just trees recover after drinking cough syrups.

What need to display the behavior of children who want to steal it? Could not display the child is doing something good, such as sports or reading or doing a science assignment?

Similarly, the "death poem" the other day. When I first saw the report on TV, the author does not agree with the method of educating children. Stance remains the same author after reading the various responses in the newspaper.

After watching themselves, the authors are confident and sure, the video was not supposed to be on display for children aged between 7-8 years. Also because of the funeral of berkafan as the main character of the video - the author certainly, many adults who are not happy to see, much less about the children - what causes it is not suitable for children, is because bytes of words used in poetry it is far from the reality of life of the child.

For example, the corpse regretting past actions as "acting like God", "do not take the character of God", "dispersed people," "abuse of power and money", "stop people repent" and "destroy the economy of Muslims".

The errors that are easily understood by adults because it is close to their lives. However, the extent of the child at the age of 7-8 years, which is a video viewer, it can associate themselves with those errors? Unless if the offenses specified as "stealing pink Pak Ali" or "cheating capital" or "pierced skin a cat"!

Looking at the last such advertisements and video poems death claimed to be a good way to educate the children, the authors wonder, already bereft akalkah us in finding a suitable and effective method for this purpose?

Abdullah nasih Ulwan, in his Children's Education in Islam says that effective ways to educate their children are: (i) to set an example; (ii) to familiarize the child to practice good things; (iii) to advise and guide; (iv) to observe and monitor; and, (v) to penalize and punish.

Although he did mention something about having the feeling frightened and terrified when advising the child and give punishment to the scary and daunting, but, either way this is a fraction of the dozens of other more effective ways of educating children.

In fact, he also stressed that these children differ from each other. Some will be corrected when the mother or the father glanced small cough. There is also a need to verbally reprimanded. In fact, there are some who just stopped for kelaku after the hand stopped at his parent body. In other words, children need to be educated according to his personality. Thus, it is not fair if we think only one video can educate a class, let alone a school.

However, there is a tendency in our society to use bad example in an effort to encourage people to be good. For example, in the TV drama, especially the so-called 'nature of Islam', the main character is often portrayed as a very evil and has committed various sins, before the turn for the better.

Similarly, in an effort to educate the public to sympathize and care for HIV / AIDS patients, often highlighted how the patient is insulted, vilified and ostracized, even intending to kill him, before eventually everyone will realize their mistake. Why can not the actual Muslim community highlighted by nature humane and sensitive to people like this?

Actually it is easier to invite people to be good to give a good example. But somewhere we went wrong, many prefer a convoluted way to invite people to goodness.

In the era of information technology, there are many interesting ways that can be considered to educate children to become good. Because the audience is children, choose a simple and straight way. If we want them to be good, a good example. Not a bad example that he knew what was good. Crude mind will be difficult to understand the convoluted thing. Furthermore in the case of religion, choose a method that can attract them to Islam. Not otherwise.










wallpaper 2


wallpaper 2


5 Android Game 2014

5  Android Game 2014.

1 Flappy Bird

For a game that is definitely not a few wearers Android recognize him. Not just simply play, perhaps they also made ​​stress. Pipe through a difficult time not just play.
Play Flappy Bird in the PC and Facebook here.

2 Truck Simulator 3D

Compatible same name, this game simulator game that is. So what is simulated? You seem to be arranging transport truck driver was super cock on the road with his activities. For instance, just fill in the gasoline retail stations, parking, deliver goods, and others. Free download here.

3 Death Moto 2

Motor racing game that is not just cock, but only competed adrenalin speeding away. This game is quite unique, because no action together knockdown, another racer with a deadly weapon and ammunition. Free download here.

4 Zombie Escape

Game themed vampire or zombie and undead trend seems to still be the mainstay of the essence of the developer. You have to run and run to avoid the tackle deadly zombies. Free download here.

5 Clumsy Bird

Do not be surprised if this game is similar to Flappy Bird. Both are the same set of birds as well as through specific objects. But, the object traveled not only pipe, but the trunk trees. Free download here.


Online Games For Girls

Online Games For Girls  

This time a little different than usual, I want to try berbagitentang Online Game or Game For Girls Online For Cewek. As game organize dryer, cooking games, dress up games, doll games, drawing games, also girls games haircut and more online games for girls or girls. 

Online Game For Girls: 

1 Game Cooking 
For cooking game please click on: cooking game 

2 Games Organizing Hair 
To organize your game board click here: Games Organizing Hair 

3 Game Dress 
To dress up game click on: Game Dress 

4 Game Dolls 
Click for game doll: Game Dolls 

5 Game Draw 
Click for Game Drawing: Drawing Game 

6 Games Cut Hair Girls 
For girls haircut games click games haircut women



FIFA 14 has been available in Windows Phone Store -

Latest news for Maniac Game FIFA 14 FIFA 14 now available in Windows Phone Store, especially in Windows Phone 8.

EA Sports recently entered the football game FIFA 14 versus mobile is the official way in Windows Phone Store. Interestingly, this game is a free way.

But want to remember behold FIFA 14 game for Windows Phone 8 is only playable in WP 8 hp with a RAM 1 GB of RAM minimum. This kind of thing normal, considering behold FIFA game is popular enough for heavy gaming with graphics that are high enough.

FIFA 14 for Windows Phone 8 can be downloaded at the Windows Store with around a 888 MB file size.


Sniper Elite 3

Sniper Elite 3

Studio game developer, Rebellion inform the game Sniper Elite 3 that will launch in the U.S. on July 1, 2014 Launching in early June for game consoles and PCs are also in on 27 July 2014 in all the world.

Written Overclockersclub, this game published by 505 Games, a second PC versus self published by Rebellion and launching on Steam.

Rebellion also open the pre-order bonus Sniper Elite 3 named 'Grey Wolf'. Versus PC in the pre-order price USD39, 99 fair price that is USD49, 99.

Versus games console can be ordered (pre-order) from a large retailer GameStop and host of others. Have Collector's Edition with price USD69, 99 are available for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

This special edition presents exclusive ammunition, weapons DLC pack, dog tags, and so on.



This time I want to share interesting info about FIFA 15:

- Fixed the competition situation in the wake according to the design characteristics of the audience in FIFA 14, but FIFA 15 is using many add additional fans react during the competition.

- The commentators also designed to addressing competition reaction from the audience and talk about it. To live more competition situation.

- EA Sports gives some new animations on some of the characteristics of the player. Small movements seem to be more detailed.

- Special treatment given to star players who seem more realistic processing time playing ball.

- For it makes the game more impressive, EA Sports gave emotional on the characteristics of suitable same player competition situation.

- According to EA Sports, there are more than 600 increasingly emotional reactions that can be seen players during competition runs.

- Using a living reference pitch, so the more life field situations. For example, if a player did Tekel, his feet would leave traces on the ground.

- Step away players emerged. When it rains, the player also looks dirty undershirt.

- Features player also made ​​more real, physical add good use. Equally interesting push and pull the sock between the players made ​​more realistic.

- "With a visual way, this game that is the most significant step in the FIFA franchise. This namely levels that have not worked in the beginning," said David Rutter.

- New Feature added time to play against computer players or AI (Artificial Inteligence).

- EA claims to behold when gamers central site, then the opposing team will be inclined to play computer play long ball to immediately attack the minute-minute end-use expectations to balance the score.

- And when the central computer facilities and competition almost finished, then they will use when using oper take over the ball or hold the entire order is not pierced. Similar to the real world using a real team.


FIFA 15 Trailer Already Live In Youtube

FIFA 15 Trailer Already Live In Youtube

FIFA games so rival to Pro Evolution Soccer (PES). At the moment E3 th. This, as publisher EA Sports FIFA 15 game open trailer in a video uploaded to YouTube.

Trailer lasted two minutes seven seconds was to bring some star players like Suarez and Messi. The video has been viewed by growing over 3, 6 million YouTube viewer.

FIFA 15 bring impressive 3D graphics. This latest trailer shows action game dribbling and tackling the ball so much life.

Beyond that, the details of the grass, kicking movements of players, and the impact of rain water splash looks really real. FIFA 15 offering a new feature and can be played on game consoles like Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4 and the PC.

These games circulating th. is on September 23 in North America, September 25th in Europe and 26th September in the English.





























Balotelli undergo a medical examination

EPL: Balotelli undergo a medical examination prior to Liverpool

AC Milan striker Mario Balotelli has learned to leave England for a medical examination when the conversation becoming hot on the player transfer to Liverpool with prices STG16 million.

With an agreed fee, the Reds are expected to pay STG120,000 week for the 24-year-old players.

Balotelli played for City for three seasons from 2010 to 2013, scoring 20 goals.

Meanwhile, Liverpool understood to want Balotelli guarantee commitment and behavior outside the ring.

Meanwhile, former Liverpool defender Gary Gillespie believes the contract deals for the lanky striker was a big risk can trap the Reds.

"It's about the player's reputation is well known. Brendan Rodgers could control it, but I still feel it's a big gamble at the moment," he said. - BBC Sport


Spanish Super Cup champions Atletico

Spanish Super Cup champions Atletico

MADRID second minute goal striker Mario Mandzukic allows Atletico Madrid beat Real Madrid 1-0 in the second reciprocal Spanish Super Cup, thus ensuring a 2-1 aggregate victory.

The first game resulted in a 1-1 draw.

A far Aletico goalkeeper Miguel Moya high ditanduk Madrid defender, Raphael Varane and Atletico midfielder Antoine Griezmann then nudged the ball to the striker a new team, Mandzukic, who beat Iker Casillas with a low shot.


Man United pressure, Liverpool moved mine

Man United under pressure, Liverpool moved mine at Etihad

Last week, we saw the Premier League but it is interesting to focus on is the record and the shock occurred at Old Trafford.

Louis Van Gaal began his career as a new manager with the Red Devils to a 2-1 defeat against Swansea and the end of the grand record held since 1972, Manchester United have not lost in the first match of the league.

However, overall, an average of 2.6 goals per game (26 total network of 10 matches) promises a festival season scorer, especially from big-spending clubs get a strong attack.

Once again this season as the previous season the Red Devils problems focused on defense where the absence of a grand central defender, experienced and respected like a lion as Ronny Johnston, Jaap Stam or Nemanja Vidic makes them dibolos so happy.

Purchase of Argentina's Marcos Rojo will add some stability but LVG has a daunting task and probably the most difficult task traveled since becoming a manager. I was expecting a tough match and difficult at the Stadium of Lights, Sunday.

Arsenal and Liverpool started the season with a victory, but as expected they were not at the required level as it was still early in the season and like most of their team is still in 'Gears 2 and 3'.

They will take some time but the key for both teams is to collect full points to ensure they are not lost points at the beginning of the season.

Daniel Sturridge had felt shy. He took the responsibility of becoming the leading scorer in case Anfield and England striker managed to equal or exceed the contribution of Suarez, I believe Liverpool will give stiff competition at the Etihad this week.

Players who give stability to the team the Gunners are Aaron Ramsey made ​​the most important player for Arsene Wenger to make sure he is at the best level and free of injury against Everton at Goodison Park and I think Arsenal have the advantage in this game and will collect at least one point.

Two new faces Chelsea - Cesc Fabregas and Diego Costa - started the season with a smile on Jose Mourinho with a 3-1 victory over Burnley.


Nanjing 2014 badminton gold medal

Nanjing 2014 badminton gold medal Grace contingent

NANJING, China: The success of the national badminton player, Cheam June Wei won gold medals in the mixed doubles event at the International Youth Olympic Games (YOG 2014) enrich the national contingent who previously gloomy without any medals.

Cheam who worked with Hong Kong's Ng Tsz Yau pair beat Tsuneyama Lens (Japan) / Lee Chia Hsin (Taiwan) 21-14 and 23-21 in the finals Monday.

Although no official medal calculated to measure the success of the contingent countries play in the world's biggest youth sporting event, but success could spur Cheam compatriots to continue until the end of the championship medal.

According to unofficial information YOG medal sixth day of 2014, on the site hosts, China continues to dominate the tournament as a whole has accumulated a total of 16 gold medals, six silver medals and 11 bronze medals.

Russia is still the second highest in the medal list with a collection of nine gold, seven silver and five bronze medals over nearest rival, Italy which until now has six gold, three silver and two bronze medals.

The official website for the Games every four years, this is not provide information on who collected the medal for the country rather than merely stating sport and daily medals won by a country.

According to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the YOG is not about results and performances, but more to the experience, the process of learning and understanding the future career of an athlete.

National focus to focus on the event tomorrow mamanah, waterfalls, olaharaga, equestrian and gymnastics.