Beautiful Girl Addicted Squeeze Acne!

Beautiful Girl Addicted Squeeze Acne!

Every morning, Samantha Wake, 20, will spend six hours to watch some scars on his face. Abstinence is a piece of stain, he would squeeze or mengopeknya until bloody.

Lass Telford, Shropshire, England will only stop when he feels satisfied. As a result of these strange, almost 100 percent of his face filled with black scars.

Obviously Samantha, she began to do her face hooked at age 14 after seeing a few small pimples on the face.

"At that time, I was squeezing in the presence of acne just as well antijerawat drug sweep.

"However, at the age of 16, I was so addicted to flicking face although no acne. Finally, at the age of 18, I had to see a doctor for treatment," he said.

obsessive compulsive 

However, doctors said, doing normal things, and there's nothing to worry about.

Samantha is aware of her illness dermatilamonia after his mother brought him to see another specialist.

Dermatilomania disease cause someone addicted to peeling dead skin to bleed, easy bruising and infected.

Some patients have a high desire for peeling scars on the feet or hands, but Samantha makes faces as targets.

"Looking at the face full of blood, I feel like I am involved in a road accident.

"Not only that, many people are asking why my skin is as bad as this," he said.

Samantha said, most of his friends do not know the strange habits.

"I like can not stop because I would feel awkward if not face even a day studying," he said.

Diseases characterized as obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) that commonly occur to women aged between 15 and 30 years.

Add Samantha, she would 'tempted' when he saw her face in the mirror.

"I feel very relieved after peeling the scab can have.

"But after I leave the skin with a very ugly scar, I get scared, you become depressed and give up," he said.

However, emotions are not able to stop the habit of Samantha.

"My body felt like I was in the clouds headedness. If I detect even the smallest spots on the skin, I'll squeeze or mengopeknya until the skin feels numb," he said.

Unfortunately the habit of leaving scars coins.

"I knew my face was badly damaged and full of scars and small holes.

"This is probably due to my daily routine that will see the face of the mirror and watch until I forget the situation around," he said.

He said, the habit also caused him to miss lectures regularly.

"If I go to a movie with your boyfriend, I would leave him alone and go to the bathroom to look on the face.


"Despite feeling satisfied after squeezing pimples, but I still feel embarrassed when people look at my face with a strange reaction," he said.

To that end, Samantha would wear make-up before leaving home to avoid mischievous eyes out there.

"If you go to dinner, of course I want my skin look clean and beautiful.

"However, when he realized things were not happening, I feel very depressed and started flicking more scars," he said.

Samantha said, although he has visited many clinics, but doctors failed to treat his illness.

"My mother used to take me to see a specialist counseling and taught how to control yourself from repeating the same.

"I find, is the main enemy of the mirror so I thought it would be nice if the mirror does not exist in this world," he said.

To address the problem, Samantha is a pill to prevent infection of skin surface.

Says the girl who aspires to work in the zoo, he wants people to suffer the same disease that does not seem to feel inferior.

"I want people to know that this disease is real and not due to emotional problems alone.

"I believe that the cure of this disease will be found one day, so will have to be referred to a specialist," he said.