8 Reasons Why You Drop

Miscarriage in early pregnancy is a common occurrence among women and many medical experts are of the opinion that abortion is part of the normal female reproductive process. Studies have shown that many women do not know they are actually abortion because it happened too early. Study shows 70% of the eggs successfully fertilized, killed in early pregnancy when a urine test still positive.

Once upon a urine test is positive, this pregnancy 1 in 5 will suffer a miscarriage.

However, abortion at any stage of pregnancy can give a great blow against you especially when you've tried for so long to get pregnant. Many people wonder why it happens and there are also some who are trying to blame yourself. Later, it is important for you to understand that, most of the reasons you can not avoid miscarriage and it happens on its own.

Although 10-20% of miscarriages of unknown cause and why, here are 8 reasons often associated with miscarriage.

1 Chromosomal abnormalities

According to medical research, 60% of the causes of miscarriages are caused by chromosomal abnormalities. Chromosomes are tiny structures inside cells that carry genetic elements, with a total of 23 pairs, one set from the mother
and one set of parents.

Sometimes, when the egg and sperm meet, one of the chromosomes are damaged and the resulting embryos have chromosomal abnormalities that cause miscarriages.

In very rare cases, couples were found to have defects in chromosome abnormalities of them but this is not to have any negative impact on themselves, but can cause recurrent miscarriage if pregnancy occurs.

What you can do

If you had a miscarriage the first time, do not be too worried. Possible for you to get pregnant again and gave birth to healthy children is high. However, if the second pregnancy also had a miscarriage, you may want to consider whether fetal tissue is sent to a laboratory to test chromosome. If the results are normal, the tests may be recommended in more detail. For those who have chromosome abnormalities, referral to a geneticist may be recommended.

2 defects in the reproductive system

If you were born with uterine abnormalities, miscarriage easily occur because the embryo is ovum fails embedded with many miscarriages occur. According to medical studies, defects in the womb as Bicornuate Uterus or Uterine Septum the cause of 10 percent of the total loss. Cervical loosely called "cervical incompetence" can also lead to miscarriage and it often occurs in the early second trimester due to the growing fetus increases the pressure in the uterus cause the cervix is open and the fetus will fall easily.

What you can do

You may be advised to undergo tests Hysteroscopi or Laparoscopi for accurate diagnosis if you have abnormalities in the uterus. If the diagnosis is confirmed with accurate, appropriate surgery may be recommended. In the event of a loose cervical doctor will probably recommending surgery or cervical tissue called cervical cerclage.

3 Problem tumor on reproductive system

Other reproductive problems such as fibroids can also interfere with your reproductive system by preventing implantation effective and can cause miscarriage. Endometriosis disease is also associated with miscarriage because the chemicals from endometriosis cyst is toxic to the fetus and can cause miscarriage.

What you can do

If sure you have fibroids, surgery to remove the fibroids is called myomectomy may be advised. If endometriosis is the cause of your problems, surgery to remove the cyst and endometriosis tissues become important if you want to get pregnant again.

4 Problem Immunology

There is a medical problem in which the pregnant woman's body produces antibodies that attack the fetus and cause miscarriage occurs. This problem is known as Antiphospholipid Syndrome is caused embryo formed from sperm treated as a foreign object or virus in the body of a pregnant woman. The next woman's body will form antibodies and attack the fetus formed and miscarriage took place.

What you need to do

Although the treatment of this problem is still in the experimental stage, and the results were not satisfactory, doctors often recommend treatment aspirin, heparin or steroids to reduce the risk of miscarriage.

5. uncontrolled medical disease

Problem thyroid disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney associated with uncontrolled environment is not suitable for healthy fetal turn will lead to loss problems.

What you need to do

Make sure your medical problems under control before planning a pregnancy. See a doctor and change the way to a healthier life.

6 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

In the case of PCOS, levels of a hormone imbalance cause irregular ovulation and menstruation becomes uncertain. In addition to risk of diabetes, PCOS also causes patients resistant to insulin and prevent endometrial lining to be mature and not very receptive to the growing fetus. This can be the cause of recurrent miscarriage. Studies show that 10-20 percent of women who suffer from PCOS are often killed.

What you need to do

See your doctor to make sure you are free from diabetes before pregnancy. Doctors may recommend Metformin pills if you are immune to insulin.Pastikan your weight in an optimal BMI with exercise and proper diet.

7 Infection

Infections such as rubella, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis and bacterial vaginosis can cause a miscarriage, but it rarely happens rarely. It is difficult to obtain rubella infection due to the vaccine school level and risk for toxoplasmosis during pregnancy is less than 0.2%.

What you need to do

In the event you cat lovers, abortion is not a reason for you to throw your cat because you most likely already immune to these infections, so the risk of a fetus infected with toxoplasmosis infection is very low. Medical studies show 60% of women are already immune to toxoplasma before they become pregnant again.

However, see your doctor if you are concerned about your hair loss may result from infection. A blood test can confirm you have this disease but may not be able to answer whether it is the cause of the miscarriage. Antibiotic treatment may be recommended.

8 Unhealthy Lifestyle (Cigarettes, Alcohol, Drugs, Environmental Toxins)

Medical studies have agitated inhaled nicotine from cigarettes can flow into the blood and penetrate the placenta and thus interfere with the blood supply and fetal growth. Statistics show that smokers have twice the risk of loss than nonsmokers. Excessive drinking is also associated with miscarriage.

Studies also show that women who work on farms, in the operating room, office and laboratory dental clinic has a higher rate of miscarriage than normal for reasons unknown.

What you need to do

Avoid all the habits that can damage your body before trying to get pregnant to ensure a healthy content. If you suspect your workplace can affect your pregnancy, tell your doctor about your concerns.

Signs of Miscarriage

In early pregnancy, you may frequently experience stomach cramps and discomfort, it is usually normal, but if it is accompanied by vaginal bleeding a lot, you may have a miscarriage. Your doctor may examine your vagina and Ultra Sound test may be done to ensure whether the fetus is alive.

If there is no heartbeat and would waste much missed miscarriage, your doctor may recommend a procedure called a D & C to ensure there is no risk of infection in your uterus.